
QUICK AND EASY MAINTENANCE TIPS to keep your Cres Cor Hot Cabinet or Oven running at optimal performance:


• If you have humidity control on your unit, use distilled water to avoid hard mineral build up when using the humidity tank.

• If a loose screw is detected on the door, remove it as soon as possible and put some LocTite ® on the threads, then tighten it back up. Do this at the end of a shift and let it set-up/cure overnight. This will avoid constant tightening and will prevent future maintenance repairs.

• Leave the doors of cabinets open overnight, to allow a better cool-down and allow any moisture build up from foods to dry out.

• Wipe up spills right away and do not allow them to be baked onto the surfaces or near bottom mounted power units.

• Do not use heavy abrasive pads to clean as the grooves they create make the task more difficult each time you clean. Grease and dirt love to hide and cook into those cracks and crevasses. We recommend using Elbow Greez ™ for the interior and non-toxic Cres Clean ™ to give the exterior a like-new shine. • Make sure that all ventilation openings are not blocked, kept clean, and the fans are all running at a normal speed. Keep an eye out for a noticeable amount of grease build-up on the edges of the air intakes, or no airflow felt when your hand is placed over the vent. These are signs of a blockage.

• In training, teach employees to remove power cords from the plug at the wall socket. DO NOT yank on the wire cord to remove a piece of equipment from an active outlet. This may affect warranty coverage.

HINT: For best results, use non-toxic, heavy-duty Elbow Greez ™ and a soft cloth to remove even the toughest baked-on stains. Then polish and shine with a light coat of Cres Clean ™ on the cabinet exterior!

29 | 877.CRESCOR (273.7267)

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